Red glasses

Red is a bold color. It catches the eye and makes a statement. So, if you’re looking to stand out in a crowd, red eyeglasses are a natural choice. Whether you prefer understated reddish tones or a louder, more vibrant frame pattern, our selection of red frames offers something to accommodate any style.

Drew Raspberry


Rosie Mulberry Tortoise Fade
Percey Raspberry
Fatima Raspberry
Blakeley Oxblood Fade
Bergen Rose Water with Riesling



Find red-frame glasses starting at $95, with free shipping and returns.

Nadia Hibiscus Crystal
Kelsey Candied Berry Crystal
Amari Arabica Matte


Haley Russet Red

Red glasses FAQs

The good thing about red glasses is that they come in a range of frame styles, so it’s easy to pick something that looks great on you.
Some people prefer frames that contrast with their features—think square frames on a triangle face. Others may prefer a more complementary approach, like using the flowing curves of cat-eye glasses to complement a round face. The best choice for your face shape is subjective, so pick a style you like and one that makes you feel confident.